NPF presented at NORDUnet Conference 2024: Spotlight on upcoming Polar Connect Webinar

Lisa Olsson is standing behind the podium and smiling.

Lisa Olsson’s lightning talk in Bergen on September 10 reached the audience effectively while offering a spotlight on NPF’s upcoming webinar event.

Lisa Olsson, Project Coordinator at Sunet attended the yearly NORDUnet Conference on 10-12 september 2024 in Bergen, Norway. In her lighting talk she promoted the upcoming Polar Connect webinar event for engagement with Arctic scientists – an important part of the North Pole Fiber project. The invitation is already out, and we look forward to welcoming more Arctic enthusiasts to join us on 7 October 2024.

Go to the recording of Lisas lightning talk at NORDUnets webpage.

About Lisas lightning talk “What do Arctic scientists want?”

The North Pole Fiber project is laying the foundation for Polar Connect, a submarine cable between Northern Europe and East Asia through the Arctic Ocean, on the shortest possible route. Using sensing technology, this cable could continuously collect scientific data from the deep sea in previously unseen ways. Such a long-term Arctic observatory has the potential to revolutionise Arctic research. To understand the priorities and needs of the scientific community, we have invited Arctic scientists to join an interactive webinar.

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